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The Pony Rider Boys in New England; or An Exciting Quest in the Maine Wilderness
The Pony Rider Boys in New England; or An Exciting Quest in the Maine Wilderness Read online
Produced by Ann Boulais
[Frontispiece: "I Fine You One Hundred Dollars and Costs!"]
The Pony Rider Boys in New England
An Exciting Quest in the Maine Wilderness
Frank Gee Patchin
Author of the Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies, The Pony Rider Boys inTexas, The Pony Rider Boys in Montana, The Pony Rider Boys in theOzarks, The Pony Rider Boys in the Alkali, The Pony Rider Boys in NewMexico, The Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers, The Pony RiderBoys on the Blue Ridge, etc., etc.
PhiladelphiaHenry Altemus CompanyCopyrighted, 1924, byHoward E. Altemus
Printed in theUnited States of America
CHAPTER I--A BITTER DISAPPOINTMENTThe original wonder of Chillicothe. Tad makes a sacrifice for hismother's sake. Plotters get their heads together. A Pony Rider Boyleft behind. A dash to the open country.
CHAPTER II--CAMPING ON THE PISCATAQUIWords of wisdom from the guide. Chunky's proposal is voted down.Tad Butler surprises his fellows. An exhibition of horsemanship. "Inever saw anything like that outside of a circus."
CHAPTER III--A JOYFUL REUNIONA gentleman in the woodpile. A name with a handle at both ends. Tadvoices his regrets. Indian Charlie John joins the outfit. Wildhowls startle the Pony Rider camp.
CHAPTER IV--BAITING THE HONEY BEESThe Indian's pack lands on Chunky. "I'm killed! I'm killed!" CaleVaughn shows the boys how to lure the bees. Stacy gets a new idea.Tad learns to walk up a tree.
CHAPTER V--NEW TRICKS IN WOODCRAFTCamp making a science. How to make a browse-bed. How to cache foodso animals cannot get it. Why the boy's fire always failed. Makinga fire in the rain. The woodsman's trick.
CHAPTER VI--THE FAT BOY'S REVENGEIn the heart of the big woods. Coons hold nightly conversations.Stacy loses himself six times in one morning. Oil of anise drawsunwelcome visitors. Bees in force attack the Indian.
Chapter VII--STAMPEDED BY AN INTRUDERA bear come to camp on the anise trail. Charlie John up a tree.What happened when the bear kissed Chunky. "Fat boy him up a tree."Tad ropes Mr. Bruin; then the fun begins.
CHAPTER VIII--AN INTERRUPTED FORAGEThe bear gets a section of Tad's trousers. Boys take to the treesand Bruin takes the camp. Cale shoots to kill. Stacy's practicaljoke is exposed. "The boss bee was scouting me."
CHAPTER IX--BEAR STEAK FOR BREAKFASTBruin causes a change of camp. Chunky's heart is weak when there iswork to do. Learning to make a "kitchi-plak-wagn" and a "kekauviscoesaster." "Oh help!" wails Chunky.
CHAPTER X--BLAZING A FOREST TRAIL"Every time you turn around the scenery has shifted." Learning tolive in the woods. Birch bark lights the way. "Silver Face iscalling me." A difficult job done well.
CHAPTER XI--FACING NEW OBSTACLESCamping in the rain in the dark of night. "Don't be scared, boys, I'mgoing to shoot!" Stacy decides that he has had enough. Tad Butlernoses out the way.
CHAPTER XII--CHUNKY MEETS A BULL MOOSE"Indians have sharp eyes." Stacy beholds a terrifying sight.Charged by an angry moose. Too frightened to yell. The bull bumpshis head against a tree.
CHAPTER XIII--AN EXCITING DAY IN CAMPThe fat boy slays his helpless victim. "I did it with my knife."Chunky's boasts are loud and vigorous. Tad Butler makes a littleinvestigation on his own hook. The guide holds opinions aboutStacy's bravery.
CHAPTER XIV--LAID UP BY AN ACCIDENTBroken bones put the guide out of business. First aid to theinjured. Chunky lets the cat out of the bag. The timber cruiserhears the story of the fat boy's prowess. "I guess I've got a rightto talk about myself if I want to."
CHAPTER XV--A DISASTROUS JOURNEYBears strip the camp food. Charlie John and Stacy set out for town."I'd like to see the place where Chunky could not get into trouble."The Indian returns alone. "Chunky is in jail at Matungamook!"
CHAPTER XVI--BAD NEWS FROM THE FRONTPony Rider Boys go to their chum's assistance. A grilling nightjourney. Charlie John leads the way. The arrival at the scene oftrouble. Twittering birds the harbingers of an eventful day.
CHAPTER XVII--CHUNKY IN A PREDICAMENTA frying pan awakens the Indian. "Game warden git fat boy!" Whatcame of Stacy's bragging. Called before the bar of justice. "Whereis the prisoner?"
CHAPTER XVIII--THE VERDICT OF THE COURT"Stacy did not leave much to the imagination, did he?" The same oldmoose with new trimmings. "Stacy Brown, stand up!" The fat boy bragsto the court. The Professor voices his indignation. "One hundreddollars and costs! Pay your fine or go to jail!"
CHAPTER XIX--PAYING THE FIDDLER"Can you cross my palm for $128.50?" Not money enough in the outfitto pay Chunky's fine. Stacy loses his pony. Looks like a week offasting for the Pony Rider Boys. Dead broke in the Maine woods. Thewolf at the door.
CHAPTER XX--"LOOK WHO'S HERE!"Tad and Ned get a job and earn fifty cents. His companions punishthe fat boy. Cale Vaughn hears the news and hurried to town. Theguide proves himself a friend in need.
CHAPTER XXI--YOUNG WOODSMEN ON THE TRAIL AGAIN"I don't want to be like other folks." Blaze marks lead the boysastray. Tad follows a year-old trail. On the verge of a panic. "Weare lost!" declares Butler.
CHAPTER XXII--LOST IN THE BIG WOODS"When you are lost sit down and think it over." Tad and Stacy findthemselves in a predicament. "There is nothing like being a cheerfulidiot." "Get ready for Trouble!"
CHAPTER XXIII--AN EXCITING QUESTThe ponies stampeded. A raging moose wrecks the camp. Chunky up atree again. Tad shows his resourcefulness. Dishes are made frombark. Dining with nature.
CHAPTER XXIV--THE SIGNAL SMOKETad rounds up the live stock. "Chunky would hoodoo the best organizedforce in the world." Cale Vaughn on the trail of the lost. "Heap bigsmoke!" Charlie John makes a discovery. The end of the long trail.