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The Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies; Or, The Secret of the Lost Claim Page 2
The Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies; Or, The Secret of the Lost Claim Read online
Page 2
The Pony Rider Boys, as a club, met for the purpose of organization,with headquarters under a tent in Banker Perkins's orchard. It was thetent in which Walter, under orders from the family physician, had beensleeping during the spring. Over the entrance the boys pinned a stripof canvas on which they had printed in red letters, "Headquarters PonyRider Boys' Club."
"Now they will know who we are," explained Walter, standing off toview their handiwork. "You see, people can read that from thestreet. Everybody who passes will see it."
"Yes," replied Ned Rector, who already had been enrolled as a chartermember. "But I hope they won't think it's a blacksmith shop over here,and drive in to get their horses shod."
The boys laughed heartily.
"The next question is, whom shall we have for president of the club?"asked Walter. "I suppose we ought to elect one to-day so we can beregularly organized."
"Yes, that's so," agreed Chunky. "What's the matter with having TadButler for president? He knows all about horses, even if he has nonehimself."
"But he's not a member of the club," objected Ned.
"No," agreed Walter, "but I had thought we might make him an honorarymember. We ought to take him in, someway, for I know he's anxious tojoin us."
"Then, I would suggest that we organize first," advised Ned, whopossessed some slight knowledge of parliamentary law. "You can chooseone of us for temporary chairman, and then we will go ahead and formour organization just like a regular club."
"That's a good plan. Will you be the chairman, Ned?"
"No, Walt. I think I should prefer to be on the floor, where I cantalk. Neither the chairman nor president has the right to argue, youknow. I'm afraid I shouldn't be of much use to the club if I couldn'ttalk," laughed Ned. "I propose Mr. Stacy Brown, otherwise known as'Chunky,' for temporary chairman. Chunky is fat, and can appear verydignified when he wants to, even if he doesn't feel that way."
"That's the idea," agreed Walter.
"Now, all in favor of Mr. Chunky Brown for presiding officer of thefirst meeting of the Pony Rider Boys manifest it by saying 'Aye.'"
Ned and Walter voted in the affirmative.
"All opposed, say 'Nay.'"
"Nay!" voted Chunky in a loud voice.
"The Ayes have it. Mr. Stacy Chunky Brown has been duly chosentemporary chairman of the Pony Rider Boys. Mr. Chairman, will youplease take the chair and call this meeting to order?" invited NedRector, escorting Stacy to a chair which had been placed at one end ofthe tent for the purpose of receiving him.
Chunky sank into the seat, gazing helplessly about him.
"Well?" urged Ned.
"Do something," laughed Walter.
"Yes, but what shall I do?"
"Call the meeting to order, of course. What do you think we electedyou for? Not to sit up there and look pretty. Call it to order."
"I do."
"Help!" pleaded Ned Rector, weakly. "See here, that's not the way todo it. Is this the first time you have presided at a meeting?"
Chunky, by a nod, informed them that it was.
"Humph!" grunted Ned witheringly. "Then say after me, 'I now call themeeting of the Pony Rider Boys to order. What is your pleasure,gentlemen?'"
The chairman haltingly repeated the words.
"Now, that's the way to do it," approved Ned. "I shouldn't besurprised to see you President of the United States some day. I nowmove, Mr. Chairman, that Tad Butler be made an honorary member of theclub, as well as riding master and manager of the live stock."
"Second the motion," added Walter quickly.
The motion was carried with much enthusiasm. Then the club voted tomake Chunky Brown its permanent presiding officer, and this in spiteof the winner's vigorous objections. Walter was made treasurerbecause, as Ned expressed it, Walter's father was a bankpresident. Ned Rector was chosen secretary.
"I now move," proposed Ned Rector, "that this club direct itssecretary to write to the uncle of its president, pointing out to himthe advisability of providing a pony for said president to ride; saidpresident being so heavy as to make walking to the meetings of thisclub a burden to himself and to the club members who have to wait forhim."
This motion was adopted with a shout of laughter.
After having directed the secretary, at his own suggestion, to notifyTad Butler of his election, the club adjourned to meet on thefollowing morning for field practice. In other words, the club's twoponies, with Walter Perkins and Ned Rector upon them, were to be takenout for exercise about the village and in nearby roads.
The next day being Saturday, Tad Butler found himself too busy todevote much time to brooding over his troubles. As a matter of fact,the boy was little given to this sort of thing; he was too much aman. His was a wholesome, confident nature, and the same indomitablecourage and determination that had enabled him to stand next to thehead of his class in the high school filled him with a resolution topossess a pony of his own. Nor did he permit the receipt of a letterthat morning, informing him of his honorary election to the PonyRiders Club, to cast him down, even though, for want of a pony, hecould not enter into full membership.
Instead, with flashing eyes, his clean-cut jaw set more firmly thanusual, Tad went about his duties of the day cheerfully, his activemind running over this and that plan through which he might possiblygratify his longings.
Late that same afternoon, on his way driving out to deliver a packageof goods to a summer residence just outside the town, he came uponWalter and Ned, returning on their ponies from a short jaunt into thecountry.
The two boys hailed him joyously.
Tad grinned and waved his hand.
"Hello! Aren't you going to stop to tali with a fellow?" called Ned,as the riders came abreast of the grocery horse and pulled up.
Tad shook his head.
"Oh, come on; hold up a minute."
"Can't. I'm on business, you know," answered the boy, smilingpleasantly. "I am working all day to-day for Mr. Langdon, and Imustn't stop. I have a lot of goods to deliver before night."
"Then what do you say to our riding out and back with him, Walt?"suggested Ned.
"All right. I guess we shall have plenty of time to do that and getback for supper. Tad won't stay long. He's in too big a hurry,"answered the banker's son, bringing his pony about, and galloping upbeside the wagon, which had continued on its way during theconversation.
This gave Tad an opportunity to gaze admiringly at the sleek ponies onwhich the boys were mounted, as well as at the nickel trimmings ofbridles and saddles, which glistened brightly in the sunlight.
"Wish you had him, don't you?" laughed Ned, noting Tad's gaze fixed onhis own well-groomed mount.
To Ned's surprise, Tad shook his head negatively.
"Mean to tell me you don't want a pony like this?"
"I didn't say so, Ned. No, I wouldn't say that, because it isn'ttrue. You asked me if I didn't wish I had him. Of course, I want apony more than anything else in the world. But I want my own, notyours. That is different, you see. Much as I want one, I don't coveteither yours or Walt's."
"Well, you are a funny fellow. I never did understand you," marveledNed. "But, I guess he's about right, eh, Walter? Don't you think so!"
"Yes. And I have been thinking, since our meeting yesterday, thatperhaps it might be fixed. I wasn't going to say anything about it,"answered Walter, meditatively.
"Thinking about what?" demanded Ned.
"About Tad's not having a horse, and no way to get one. I tell you,it's mighty tough----"
"Well, he is a member of the club, and as fellow members of the PonyRiders, we are bound to stand by one another."
"That's right," agreed Ned. "That's what we're going to do, too. Butwhat are you getting at, Walt?"
Tad's blue eyes were fixed inquiringly on Walter's face. He, too, wasat a loss to understand what i
t was that his delicate young friend wasplanning. Still, he would not ask, knowing full well that it was ofhim they were thinking.
"Simply this. Tad has got to have a pony."
Ned uttered a long-drawn whistle, while the boy on the grocery wagonsuddenly straightened up.
"I agree with you there, Walt," Ned remarked. "Yet, how is he goingto get one? That's what I should like to know--and it's a questionthat the Pony Riders will have a hard time in answering. Now, it isdifferent with Chunky. Chunky's uncle has money. He can well afford tobuy his nephew a pony. When I went to ask him to-day he said he wouldsee about it. That means Chunky will have one."
"Why do you think that?"
"Because my father is a lawyer, and he says when a fellow doesn't knowhis own mind, you can make him agree to 'most any old thing," answeredNed with a laugh.
By this time they had reached their destination. Though keenlyinterested in the conversation of his companions Tad leaped to theground, tying his horse without an instant's delay, and proceeded tothe house to deliver his merchandise.
The boys watched him disappear around the corner of the house beforeresuming their conversation.
"I'll tell you, now," began Walter. "I didn't want to explain beforehim. Tad is the best rider in town, you know, Ned----"
"Next to me," added Ned humorously.
"Yes, next ahead. And he is the second best scholar in the highschool. Nothing could stop him from heading the class if he had thetime to devote to his studies, so Professor Zepplin tells me. I likehim, Ned----"
"Since he fished you out of the mill pond, when you fell through theice there last winter, eh!"
"Yes, partly. But, I liked him just as well before that. Do you know,"continued Walter after a moment of silence, "I never told my fatherthat Tad did that for me?"
"You didn't? Why not?" asked Ned, his face reflecting his surprise.
"Because Tad made me promise I wouldn't. He's such a modest chap thathe didn't want father to thank him, even. So I never did----"
"He is a queer lad----"
"That is, I did not until last night," corrected Walter thoughtfully.
"Oh! Then you told him? What did he say?" questioned Ned, now keenlyinterested in the narration.
"He said Tad was a brave boy, and that he wanted to do something forhim. I told him there was one thing he could do that would please me,at the same time making Tad the happiest boy in Chillicothe--yes,happier than any other boy in the state of Missouri."
"Father laughed and asked me what it was that Tad desired so much."Walter glanced up at his companion, a queer smile playing about hislips.
"Well, what did you tell him!"
"That Tad wanted a pony."
The boys gazed into each other's eyes.
"Good for you," breathed Ned. "You are the right sort, even if you areweak. I always said you were. But did your father say he would get Tada pony?"
"Well, not exactly. He wanted to know how I thought Tad could takecare of a pony when he got it--said the boy would have no place tokeep it, nothing to feed it on----"
"Yes, that's so."
"But, I told him Tad might stable his pony with Jo-Jo in our barn."
"Sure thing. That's fine. Did he agree?"
"He said for me to bring Tad in to see him."
"But you did not?"
"No; I haven't had a chance. I'm going to try to get him to stop onthe way back, if he will. All three of us will stop off at the bankFather usually stays late on Saturdays to go over the books all byhimself----"
Further conversation was interrupted by the return of Tad. Acting upona knowing look from Walter, Ned maintained a discreet silence on thesubject. And, if Tad's keen glance, which searched their faces, as heclambered aboard the grocery wagon, gave him the slightest inkling asto what they had been discussing, he made no effort further to gratifyhis curiosity.
"What are you going to do when you get back, Tad?" asked Walter by wayof directing the conversation to the subject of which he was at thatmoment so full.
"Going back to the store. Why?"
"Oh, nothing much. Father wanted you to step in some time thisafternoon," answered Walter as carelessly as he could.
"What for?"
"He wishes to talk with you about something. You can stop off as we goby. It will take only a few minutes of your time."
Tad shook his head emphatically. Nothing could deter him from doingwhat he considered was his full duty to his employer.
"Then I shall go over to the store with you myself and seeMr. Langdon," announced Walter firmly. After that, the conversationdrifted into a discussion of the respective merits of the two poniesthat Ned and Walter were riding.
Arriving at the store, Walter dismounted, and, tossing the reins toNed, ran up the steps into the store, while Tad began methodically tohaul the market baskets from the wagon, piling them together on thesidewalk.
In a moment Walter came hurrying out.
"It's all right," he called from the top step. "Mr. Langdon says hitchyour horse here, while you go over with me to see father."
"Very well," replied Tad, as, with evident reluctance, he followed hisfriend to the hank, half a block up the street.
Mr. Perkins greeted his young guest with marked courtesy.
"Walter delayed telling me of your heroic conduct in saving his lifeuntil last night, Thaddeus. I am sorry. But, according to the oldsaying, 'it is never too late to mend.' Therefore, I want to thankyou now."
Mr. Perkins grasped the lad's hands in a firm grip, while Tad, hidinghis embarrassment as best he could, gazed with steady eyes into theface of the banker.
"I'm sorry he told you, sir. I just pulled him out--that was all."
The banker laughed.
"Yes, fortunately that was all. But there surely would have been moreif you had not, Walter would have drowned. How you managed to get himout, without both of you going down, is more than I can understand."
"He dived in and swam out with me," Walter informed him.
"Quite so. And you wished my son to say nothing about it?" added thebanker with a twinkle in his eyes, not wholly lost on the boy who wasstanding so rigidly before him, steeling himself to the most tryingordeal he ever had experienced.
"I did, sir."
"Walter respected your wishes in the matter. But something came uplast evening that induced him to make a clean breast of the wholeaffair. And I am very glad he did so."
"Yes, sir."
"Walter tells me you are a great lover of animals, especially horses."
"I am more fond of them, sir, than of anything else in the world, savemy mother," answered the boy, his eyes growing bright.
"And he also has told me about this new club of which I most heartilyapprove. It will be an excellent thing for Walter. But of course youwill not be able to go out with the boys, not having a pony of yourown."
"No, sir," answered Tad in a firm voice.
"I take it you would be very happy to be able to join them on theiroutings?"
"Indeed I should, Mr. Perkins."
"Well," glowed the banker, "at Walter's suggestion I have arranged itso that in the future you shall not be denied this pleasure. Do youhappen to know where there are any ponies for sale at this moment?"
"Yes, sir. They have several at the McCormick farm about three milesfrom town. They are very fine ponies, too, sir. One of them, I think,would make an excellent mate for Jo-Jo, if you are considering gettinganother one for Walter to drive or ride."
"No, I was not thinking of doing that at present. I will tell you whatI propose to do, however."
"Yes, sir."
"I propose to send you out to the McCormicks' this afternoon, if youcan spare the time. When you reach there you will pick out what youconsider is the best pony in the lot, and bring him back to town.They will let you have him upon presentation of the letter I shallgive you before you leave," smiled the banker.
sp; "I--I don't quite understand, sir. I--I--what is it you wish meto do with the pony?" stammered Tad.
Banker Perkins rose, laying a hand on the boy's shoulder.
"Take him home with you--he is yours, Tad."
A sudden rush of color flashed into the face of Tad Butler and creptup to the roots of his hair, his eyes holding those of the hanker inan unflinching gaze.
"I--am sorry, sir; but I cannot accept it."
"What?" exclaimed Mr. Perkins.
"I thank you very much. Believe me, I do. But I could not accept agift like that from you. You will understand me, won't you? Icouldn't--I couldn't do it; that's all."
"I do, my lad. I understand you perfectly," answered the hankerslowly, grasping the lad's hand and gripping it until Tad winced.
"Thank you," murmured Tad, backing from the room, with as muchcomposure as he was able to muster.
Reaching the street, the boy clenched his fingers until the nails duginto the palms of his hands. Then, with shoulders erect, he stroderapidly off down the street to continue his duties at the grocerystore.